Teacher: Dian Henderson
Date: May 18, 2021
Course: Advanced Reading
Lesson: Critical Thinking
This was my first time observing a reading class so it helped shaped my future lessons of teaching reading myself in a later week. The class began with the instructor directing all students to turn on their cameras to say hello to each other. This took about 15 minutes but since classes are online I think it is morale-boosting and creates a better atmosphere to see everybody first. I would personally try to speed up this process since there is only so much incredibly valuable time with students. However, the rapport that is being made between student and teacher can not necessarily be achieved by rushing over and through people so it leaves me in a dilemma. At least when classes are back in person, it will be much easier to create this connection without having to set aside slots of time for it. After the first few introduction activities were completed, the instructor introduced the review for the day. A 10 question breakout room discussion. The instructor purposefully divided students into groups to vary the skill levels of students so they would be varied in their abilities. After the class, they had a class discussion about the questions so the instructor could gauge how far they achieved. I was very impressed with the instructor’s ability to ask one student a question and have another student respond or react to their thought. This a nice, simple way to create a student-centered teaching environment. Following this activity, students were shown a video about critical thinking. I liked how the instructor asked the students what happened in the video and after hearing it was unclear, she responded to the feedback by rewatching the video and guiding the students by advising what they should be listening for. They proceeded with a discussion activity on critical thinking within reading. From this I will take the importance to create a rapport with students and to be sure to be perceptive of their anxieties or difficulties.